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*NEW UPDATE* 3/8 UPDATE: We are currently experiencing some unexpected delays and difficulty in both sourcing and receiving additional inventory, across all variations of our Na protein powder and SULF pre-workout product lines. The issues mentioned above are a direct result of the increasingly tumultuous political landscape and unfavorable geopolitical issues, causing a ripple effect that has had direct impacts on business operations. CURRENT STATE OF THINGS AS OF 3/8: Our team has not stopped working closely with both source and shipping reps to continue making progress, so we will be able to continue receiving product as needed – We have made significant progress striking a deal and getting more product shipped ASAP, and should have an order in transit in the next couple days. Once shipment is confirmed we will update everyone on when we expect to receive the inventory. We will continue to be as transparent as possible, and keep everyone updated on the status of TKL via updates here and email newsletters. – TKL.